TRIO Programs affirm our nation’s commitment to provide educational opportunity for all Americans. Funded under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, the programs are designed to assist Americans, from constituencies traditionally underrepresented in higher education, to enter college, graduate and assimilate more fully into our country’s economic and social fabric. By Congressional mandate, two-thirds of the participants served must come from low-income families in which neither parent graduated from college. The programs are non-discriminatory, providing services to eligible participants regardless of race, ethnicity, gender or disability. These programs are: Educational Opportunity Centers, Education Talent Search, Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement, Student Support Services, Upward Bound, Upward Bound Math/Science, and Veterans Upward Bound.  Much more information about TRIO Programs can be found on the Department Of Education’s webpage as well as the Council for Opportunity in Education’s webpage.

GEAR UP is a national initiative to encourage more young people to have high expectations, stay in school, study hard and take the right courses to go to college. GEAR UP programs work to: informing students and parents about college options and financial aid, including providing students with a 21st Century Scholar Certificate and early notification of financial aid, Promote rigorous academic coursework based on college entrance requirements, Work with a whole grade-level of students in order to raise expectations for all students; and starts with the seventh grade students and continues through high school graduation with comprehensive services including mentoring, tutoring, counseling and other activities such as after-school programs, summer academic and enrichment programs and college visits.  Much more information can be found on the Department of Education‘s webpage as well as the Massachusetts GEAR UP webpage.


Gateway-to-college-logoThe Gateway to College program helps students who have either dropped out of high school or are significantly off track toward degree completion. Through Gateway to College, students can earn a high school diploma and college credits at the same time. Many graduates go on to finish associate degrees and transfer to four year colleges. A high school diploma is necessary to make a living wage, but many students face obstacles on their path to graduation. Without a diploma, young people face a challenging future with few job opportunities, low wages, and limited health care. Gateway to College is designed as an alternative for students when traditional high school isn’t working for them.