Educational Opportunity Centers (EOC) programs provide counseling and information on college admissions to qualified adults who want to enter or continue a program of postsecondary education. An important objective of EOC is to counsel participants on financial aid options and to assist in the application process. The goal of EOC is to increase the number of adult participants who enroll in postsecondary education institutions.


  • Academic advising
  • Personal counseling
  • Career workshops
  • Information on postsecondary educational opportunities
  • Information on student financial assistance
  • Tutoring
  • Mentoring
  • Assistance in completing applications for college admissions, testing and financial aid
  • Coordination with nearby postsecondary institutions
  • Media activities designed to involve and acquaint the community with higher education opportunities

Massachusetts Educational Opportunity Centers

Educational Opportunity Center Programs are located in six cities across the state, including Boston, New Bedford, Lynn, Worcester, Springfield and Pittsfield.  A map and more information can by found here on the webpage of the Colleges of the Worcester Consortium.