Educational Talent Search programs serve young people in grades six through 12.  In addition to counseling, participants receive information about college admissions requirements, scholarships, and various student financial aid programs.

This early intervention program helps people from families with incomes under $33,000 (where neither parent graduated from college) to better understand their educational opportunities and options.

More than 363,300 students are enrolled in 466 Talent Search TRIO projects across the country.


  • Academic, financial, career, or personal counseling including advice on entry or re-entry to secondary or postsecondary programs
  • Career exploration and aptitude assessment
  • Tutorial services
  • Postsecondary education
  • Exposure to college campuses
  • Financial assistance
  • Completing college admissions and financial aid applications
  • College entrance exams assistance
  • Mentoring programs
  • Special activities for sixth, seventh, and eighth graders
  • Workshops for the families of participants

Massachusetts Educational Talent Search Programs