My name is Chinliny Lim and I am the product of the hard work, focus and tenacity of my parents. I am a senior at Lowell High School and am enrolled in the Latin Lyceum program. Through this program I have broadened my knowledge, skills, understandings and civic commitment as a high school student. With the help of Talent Search I now have a 4.37 GPA and am 19th in my class of 711 students at Lowell High School.
I came to the United States as a Cambodian-American immigrant in the 1990’s. My parents are survivors of the Cambodian holocaust and the Killing Fields of Cambodia. When they arrived, they spoke no English and had no food, shelter or financial stability. However, because of their relentless desire for freedom and a passion for education they promised a better life for me and my family.
Since freshman year, I have taken Honors, Advanced Placement and Dual Enrollment Classes and want to pursue a career in the Medical field. I have not made a decision yet but I have applied to Harvard University, Brown University, Tufts University, NYU and Boston University.
Because Talent Search has helped me so much on my journey through high school, I have tried to give back to the community as an Educational Talent Search Ambassador. It means so much to me to give other students the chance to succeed that I was given. Without the help of Talent Search I would have been lost when applying to colleges so I am so thankful to the Talent Search staff for believing in me and giving me an opportunity to better my family as much as my parents have. As a whole, I want to thank TRiO for the services they provide to students who will contribute in making the United States a better America.